イルミナティカード日本語化wiki - Nuclear Accident
トップページ各カードDisasterNuclear Accident

原発事故(Nuclear Accident)

・・陰謀論で凝り固まった人が大学の実験施設や病院のレントゲン施設を想像するとは思えない…確実に原発しかイメージしないと思うため、あえて "Nuclear Plant Accident" のことだと脳内変換します。


Disaster! This is an Instant Attack to Destroy any Place. It does not require an action. Its Power is 14 against a Huge Place, 18 against any other Place.
If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated. If the die roll succeeds by more than 4, the target is completely destroyed!
~The Nuclear Power Companies lose their action token when this card is plyaed on any Place.

